Graduate/PhD Student Research in the Neuroengineering Initiative: How to Apply

The Rice Neuroengineering Initiative is a cross-disciplinary group of labs run by Principal Investigators with a broad range of research interests including: non-invasive neuromodulation, deep brain stimulation, signal processing, brain computer interfaces, and nanotechnologies. Our multi-faceted approach to researching and treating neurological disorders means that our faculty draw student researchers from multiple areas within the George R. Brown School of Engineering to assist with new and ongoing projects.

Students interested in participating in Neuroengineering research at Rice should take the following steps:

Step 1: Review NEI labs and identify faculty investigators

A review of research areas at the NEI or the identification or research groups associated with the NEI can help students find the right fit for their studies and aids applicants to Rice locate the proper program for graduate work. Students interested in rotations at the Rice Neuroengineering Initiative are always welcome to submit their CV and letter of interest to the department ( or to contact our P.I.s directly with that same information.

Step 2: Choose a graduate program

Rice NEI is not a department. Rather, we are a cross-disciplinary center comprised of different departments within the university. While most faculty members bring on students from different areas within the George R. Brown School of Engineering, they primarily recruit from their home department or from cross-departmental graduate programs (e.g. APP and SSPB). To identify which graduate program to apply, we recommend using the matrix below to select a program that includes the group of faculty you are most interested in working with.

Step 3: Apply

After determining the graduate program that best matches your interests, follow the links below to apply. In the application, please be sure to mention your rationale for choosing the program and group faculty.

TMC Researchers

A number of inter-institutional graduate level courses are available through agreements with numerous TMC programs. Please see the Rice University Office of the Registrar to see if your institution qualifies and what rules and guidelines need to be observed. Direct research with NEI labs can be arranged by contacting each lab directly or exploring current NEI/TMC partnerships page (coming soon)

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate researchers are always welcome to contact our labs to inquire about rotations at the Rice NEI. Often project-based, NEI faculty often have need of support with specific tasks or experiments. Students interested should, again, take time to look at the research areas of each P.I. and their various research groups before emailing a cover letter and CV to make sure your goals and skills align with that of the lab. General inquires about the NEI can be sent anytime to